Parent Involvement

Parent involvement and participation is warmly invited and actively encouraged. You can participate in a variety of ways such as school council, parents and friends, working bees, excursions. camps, volunteering in the classrooms and just by staying up to date with school news and happenings.

Just speak to your classroom teacher – or our Principal to find out more!

Parents & Friends

The Parents’ and Friends’ Auxiliary (PFA) is a committee that performs two vital roles at St Michael’s: (1) coordination of fundraising, and (2) organising social events.


It is only through fundraising that we are able to maintain and improve many of the amenities and resources the children use on a daily basis. With the support of the parent community, the PFA has facilitated essential projects such as technology upgrades, air conditioning in classrooms, purchasing and maintaining maths and literacy resources, and upgrading playground facilities.

Social Events

Social events organised by the PFA are designed to draw the St Michael’s community together. They provide valuable opportunities to share a drink, have a chat, laugh, form friendships, and to belong.

How to Become Involved

The PFA Committee is elected at an Annual General Meeting held in Term 4. All parents, including new Prep parents, receive notification of the meeting and a nomination form for the following committee positions:

  • Chair / Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • General Committee
  • Class Representatives (two from each class)

The PFA meets on the first Wednesday of each month. From time to time, sub-committees are formed to focus on specific events or fundraising efforts. Notification of activities and meetings will be published in the school newsletter. All parents/caregivers are encouraged to consider participating in this vital part of the school community.

School Council

The School Advisory Council (SAC) provides parents/caregivers with the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes regarding educational policy and curriculum, and matters of finance and resources within the school. The SAC advises and supports the Parish Priest and Principal in fulfilling their responsibility and exercising their authority in regards to the management and future direction of St Michael’s.

The SAC consists of members from the following groups:

  • Ex Officio (Parish Priest and Principal)
  • Chairperson
  • Deputy Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Staff Representative (Deputy Principal)
  • School Representatives (one from each year level)

The SAC meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Requests for nominations will be published in the school newsletter early in Term 4.

School Enhancement

‘School Enhancement’ is the term given to the working bees at St Michael’s. Each family is encouraged to participate in school enhancement sessions to maintain and develop the school facilities and grounds. These sessions are also a terrific way to network and make connections with other families.

Families who attend two or more sessions are exempt from paying the annual $210 school enhancement fee. Some families have indicated that they are happy to attend the enhancement sessions without claiming the $210 rebate. Please advise the school office if this if your preference.

Enhancement sessions are held five times a year, either on a Friday evening at 5:00 – 7:00pm or a Saturday morning at 9:00 – 11:00am. You can register via our internal communication system, Operoo. A form is sent to families 2 weeks prior to each the session. In 2023, School Enhancement sessions will take place on:

  • Saturday 4th February at 9:00 – 11:00am (Combined with Parish Enhancement Session)
  • Saturday 25th March at 9:00 – 11:00am
  • Saturday 20th May at 9:00 – 11:00am
  • Friday 5th August at 9.00 – 11.00am
  • Friday 10th November 5:00 – 7:00pm (To be confirmed)

Dates of Enhancement Sessions are subject to change, dependent on the needs of the school at the time. As much notice about any change of date will be given as possible. We look forward to you joining us and taking the opportunity to meet others at these sessions.

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